The Latest Patient Participation Group Newsletter

25 May 2023
Who Are We?

The PPG are volunteers that meet to feedback patient experience and aim to help improve the service for patients. Please visit our webpage for more information on us and dates for our next meeting –

Covid Vaccinations 98,800+ vaccinations have been given to date.

Spring Booster From now until Friday 30th June 2023, over 75’s are eligible for this booster. For more information or to book, please refer to clinics advertised on our website, or use our walk in service, national booking service,
‘grab a jab’ or ring 119.

GP Partners

Dr Bhachu                     Dr Chan
Dr Chandler                  Dr Karthikeyan
Dr Darcy                        Dr Engelberts
Dr Gabinet                     Dr Gowda
Dr Lau                           Dr Shenoy

Salaried GP’s

Dr Alpatov                      Dr Banjoko
Dr Kodz-Gibb                 Dr Krasaukiene

Cancelling Appointments  Please call the call centre (0330 053 6456), use the Patient access app, the NHS app or via the appointment confirmation text you would have received.

NHS App Use this app to make or cancel appointments and to order repeat prescriptions. You can now use this app to see your medical records including test results.

Patient Access App This can be used for repeat prescriptions, booking or cancelling appointments. Please ask reception for more information.

Repeat Prescriptions To order a repeat prescription please use the NHS or Patient Access Apps or use contact details below to get in touch with POD.

Call POD: 01952 580350

Online Consult Complete the online form for things such as sick notes/ admin and general queries/health advice.

Pharmacy Team Clinical pharmacists in GP surgeries play a crucial role in improving patient care and medication management. They conduct medication reviews, offer prescribing support, provide patient education, monitor adherence, and collaborate with the healthcare team. Their expertise enhances medication safety and treatment outcomes, contributing to overall healthcare quality. Patients can request to speak/see a member of the pharmacy team.

Opening Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 8:00pm
Saturday:             8:00am – 5:00pm
Sunday:               Closed

Enhanced Access
Monday – Friday:
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Saturday:             8:00am – 5:00pm

New website Our new and improved website for Teldoc has now been launched. This was trialled with the PPG before rolling out to the public.

Useful websites

For cost of living support, mental health or financial support please refer to guides.

Current Vacancies

Appointments Line Both graphs below show incoming call statistics to the Teldoc appointments line on 11th April 2023. This data shows the influx of calls we received first thing in the morning (between 8:00am-10:00am) compared to later in the morning (11:00am-1:00pm). When calling, if your call does not get through straight away, please wait and try a few minutes later. Repeatedly pressing redial can impact the call centre systems ability to answer calls. Patients are kindly asked to not call between 8:00am-10:00am if their call is not urgent.

Missed Appointments In April 2023, Teldoc had 710 DNA (Did Not Attend) appointments. 63 of these were patients with multiple DNA’s. If you’re unable to attend an appointment, please kindly call Teldoc or use one of the app’s mentioned above to reschedule or cancel.

Contacting Us We would like for our PPG to cover a broad spectrum of our patients to be truly representative. We need young people, workers, retirees, people with long term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups. If you would like to become a member or would like more information, please contact at us

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