Please find a selection of self-help services provided by the NHS and also a selection of national and local services.
Interactive Assessments
BMI Calculator for Adults
Use the BMI calculator to find out if your weight is healthy.
BMI Calculator for Children & Teenagers
Use the BMI calculator to find out if your child’s weight is healthy.
Blood Pressure Test
A blood pressure test is a simple way of checking if your blood pressure is too high or too low.
Personal Quit Plan
The One You Personal Quit Plan is a quick and easy tool that encourages smokers to make a quit attempt with support that is tailored to their habits rather than going ‘cold turkey’.
Calculate Your Heart Age
The Heart Age test gives you an idea of what your heart age is compared to your real age.
Your Mind Plan
Your Mind plan helps you build a practical plan you can use to help maintain and improve your mental health and wellbeing.
NHS Health Resources
NHS 111
When we are- closed. If you think you need medical help right now, 111 online can tell you what to do next.
My Planned Care
Advice and support while you wait and helps you to prepare for your hospital consultation, treatment, or surgery.
NHS Services Near Me
Helpful information and guidance on all the NHS Services that are available near you. Visit the directory for more information.
NHS Health A-Z
The NHS Website provides a Health A-Z guide to treatments and conditions.
Search for NHS Health Check
Look up NHS Health Check in your area.
NHS Information
Information on COVID, GPs, Prescriptions, Hospital and much more
Live Well
NHS advice about healthy living, including eating a balanced diet, healthy weight, exercise, quitting smoking and drinking less alcohol.
Mental Health
Find information and support for your mental health.
Social Care & Support
If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, this website explains your options and where you can get support
This guide includes all you need to know about trying for a baby, pregnancy, labour and birth
Your Mind Plan
Your Mind plan helps you build a practical plan you can use to help maintain and improve your mental health and wellbeing.
Weight Loss Plan
Download the free NHS Weight Loss Plan to help you start healthier eating habits, be more active, and start losing weight.
COVID-19 Information
Get NHS advice about COVID-19, including symptoms, testing, vaccination and staying at home.
COVID-19 Vaccination
Get your COVID-19 vaccination, read about the vaccines and find out what happens when you have your vaccine.
Get an NHS COVID Pass, find out who can get one, how to get one, and what to do if yours has expired
Local and National Resources
Prescription Ordering Direct (POD)
The Prescription Ordering Direct (POD) service, which process your medication requests for a number of GP practices.
Teldoc Social Prescribing Team
Teldoc offers a Social Prescribing Service which is free and confidential to help you improve your health and wellbeing.
Domestic Abuse
If you are experiencing abuse or are supporting someone who is in that situation, help is available
Help and advice for those suffering with drug, alcohol or gambling addictions.
Autism & ADHD
Information on National Autistic Society, Autism Independent UK and more...
Helping people through one of the most painful times in life. Bereavement support and information
Cancer Support
Information and advice about cancer and families and people who support people with cancer
Information and advice about caring and being a carer
Cervical Screening
Cervical screening (a smear test) checks the health of your cervix
Children and Teenage Health
Useful information about childrens and teenagers health and safety
Support and advice for those with diabetes anmd their families
Information from Guide Dogs For the Blind, Deaflblind UK, Disability Rights UK and more
Elderly Care
Information to help you make the most of out of later in life
Family Support
Family Lives is a national charity providing support in all aspects of family life
Information from homeless charities Shelter and Crisis
How to Help Your Unwell Child
If your child is ill, the most important thing to do is to listen to them
Irregular Periods
Irregular periods aren't always a sign of a problem, but sometimes it's a good idea to see a doctor about them just in case.
Keep Fit
Walking for Health offers over 1,800 free, short walks every week, Find your nearest health walk scheme.
Maternity & Parenting
Information for new parents
Menopause is when your periods stop due to lower hormone levels. This usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55.
Men's Health
Support and information related to men's health
Mental Health Support
Information and support for thos struggling with anxiety, stress and depression
Mental Health: Adolescents
Find advice and support about mental health for children, teenagers, students and parents.
Sexual Health
Advice about contraception, pregnancy, STIs and pleasure
Victim Advice Line
If you’re a victim or witness of a crime, and whether you’ve reported the crime to the police or not, we’re here to help.
Women's Health
Support and information related to women's health
Weather Health Alerts
Stay safe this season in the weather. Check the Weather Health Alerts
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