Latest News

All the latest news and events about Teldoc, the NHS and around Telford and Wrekin
Aging Well Survey: Share Your Views

Telford and Wrekin Council, together with a wide range of our local partner organisations are launching a borough-wide “Ageing Well” consultation, asking residents over the age of 50 to share their views on the support they need to age well. This comes as the latest Census information tells us that between 2011 and 2021 the...

Cervical Cancer Screening Awareness Week – 20th – 24th June 2022

‘Get yourself checked’ say health bosses in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. ‘Get yourself checked’ is the message from GPs, Clinical Pharmacists and healthcare professionals across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin this Cervical Cancer Screening Awareness Week. To mark the week in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin (Monday 20 to Friday 24 June 2022), patients and members of...

This Diabetes Week (13–19 June)

Your blood sugar won’t always be in range. Figuring out food labels and menus might have you tearing your hair out. And you might have treated that 3am hypo with a few too many jelly babies. (And biscuits. Oh, and that sandwich…) But you’re doing it, every single day. Living with diabetes, juggling the ups...

Get Telford Walking 2022

Join us for Telford’s biggest walking event as we explore the borough while getting some fresh air and gentle exercise. Several group walking events will be taking place between 16 – 20 May. Search online for ‘Get Telford Walking 2022’ to find a programme of 17 walks that take place regularly. You are welcome to...

Functional Fit MOTs

Feeling less steady on your feet? Measure your strength, balance and stamina against “normal” for your age, try a free exercise taster and find out how to stay upright and active. From 10.30am, Thursday 16th June 2022 Donnington Community Hub, St Matthews Road, Donnington, TF2 7RB. Book your FREE 2.5-hour appointment Call 01743 360641 or...

Healthy Minds Festival – Thursday 5th May 2022

Thursday 5th May 2022 10am – 5pm Telford Cultural Centre, 40 High Street, TF1 5NG Learn about health and wellbeing and share your thoughts on feeling emotionally well. Celebrate cultures and enjoy a free vegetarian lunch. People from a wide range of diverse backgrounds living in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin are being invited to attend...

World Sleep Day – 18th March 2022

Knowing what steps we can take to support our mental wellbeing can help us feel better, sleep better and have better relationships with the people around us. Our flexible and accessible NHS approved Sleep resources were created for teachers, by teachers, to spark discussion among young people about the physical and mental benefits of sleep....

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