Computerisation and Records

All the information on confidentiality

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At times you may be asked to complete a patient questionnaire in order to maintain our record of all patients. The computer requires good discipline in maintaining accurate records which is to everyone’s advantage and holds the key to many benefits, particularly in preventative medicine.

The practice is registered under the Data Protection Act and confidentiality will remain our prime concern. For routine audit purposes, representatives from the Clinical Commissioning Group or NHS England will be required to look at patients’ medical records. The auditors may not be medically qualified but are all bound by their contract of employment to respect confidentiality. However, if you do not wish your notes to be used in this way, please inform us at the front desk and your notes will be annotated accordingly.

Insurance companies and solicitors will ask for access to your medical records in certain circumstances, eg mortgage applications and accidents. We will only release this information if we have your signed authority to do so. Equally, we will only release prescriptions, letters or any other information to relatives, neighbours or friends provided you have given your consent in writing to the practice first.

Under the Data Protection Act you have the right to get a copy or have sight of the information that is held about you. This is known as a subject access request. Please check the charge for this with the receptionist.

NHS Digital Data Provision Notice for Individual GP Level Data – Information for Patients

 Your Personal Data Information Choices

Freedom of Information (FOI)

The practice complies with Information Commissioner’s Office stipulations. Before requesting information, patients are asked to consult the ICO’s website and consider whether this information is already or more easily available elsewhere.

 ICO home page

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